

To set up your Telegram channel, take the following steps:

  1. Install Telegram on your phone
  2. Open Telegram Web ( and search for the User “@BotFather” Direct link to BotFather Chat
  3. In the chat window, type /start or click the Start-Button to see a list of possible commands
  4. Write “/newbot” and send the chat to @BotFather
  5. Select a name for your Bot.
  6. Select a username for your bot. The username must end with the letters “bot”.
  7. The @BotFather will now show you a token.
  8. Copy and paste the token in our backend or send a request to set up connection to your Telegram-channel to [email protected]. Please, include the whole token (number:string).
  9. We will confirm activating Telegram for you.
  10. Please be reminded to have at least one conversation with another Telegram user in the Telegram App every 4 months in order to avoid a deletion of the bot. 


This is not a real token of course, but the token you will receive is likely to look similar: